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Becoming Visible - Washington D.C., 3.23-3.24.16)

"Becoming Visible: Finding Solutions for Statelessness in Haiti and the Dominican Republic provides space and time for colleagues to deliberate over strategies for more comprehensive human rights and humanitarian responses to the nationality and border crises in the Dominican Republic and Haiti."

My client Harbour Workshop, was tasked with developing a meeting agenda for philanthropists, members of Congress, media, lawyers, etc., to coordinate and develop policy to tackle the issue of statelessness on the Haiti/D.R. border. Literally changing the world.

My scope was venue, vendor and attendee logistics. There were simultaneous translations for Haitian Creole, Spanish and English interpretation, standard video and AV setup but not so standard when you throw the equipment needed for translations into the mix; developing menus with the catering team to suit the different cultures; coordinating travel and hotel accommodations for international and domestic attendees and speakers - then you want everything to look and feel nice because yes....that's what I do.

Although my scope of work was minor compared to what will be accomplished, I can tell my grandkids I was present when history was made. Blessed to be a part.

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